Day 30
I was up around 8am … pacific time. :) Dave had pancakes with us. We were tent camping in the RV area with permission from the campground manager. It was slow and somebody was blocking the road to the tent area. Whoever it is looks set up for a while, a house trailer, a tent, and some alternative energy set up. We were grateful to be here as he and his companion were having a loud argument. We could hear him swearing from across the valley.
We decided to stay at the park another night, so we hung a clothesline and lef t a few things on the picnic table. Mom wasn’t comfortable with leaving anything valuable, so we packed up the car again.
On the drive to town. |
We washed 3 loads of laundry at Western Laundry and dropped up Joshua to sit in on Jonathan’s philosophy class. The rest of us went back to camp and hung the laundry. We had PBJ’s and went to hang out with Annie, Her Mom, Chris, was there and a couple other ladies stopped by who were part of their knitting group.
We left a little before 5 to go pick up Joshua. I went into Hyperspuds Sports on Main Street while we waited for him. I finally found a pair of glove liners for a decent price. They were Ibex and the associate told me Ibex has a good guarantee. There was a Dakine ski pack on consignment for $35 that I really liked. It belonged to the girlfriend of one of the employees so Jeremiah offered him $25. Deal! It has a hip belt and a cute design so I’ll be happy to pass along my walmart book pack to a thrift store. The boys bought some other hardware.
Annie invited us for dinner, so we stopped at the Moscow Co-op to get salad fixings to share.
Annie made some tasty spagetti and we found plenty to talk about until we left for camp just before 10. They recommended several interesting books that I’m planning on getting ahold of when we get back home. One was Supper of the Lamb which looked like a very fun read and another was a Cook’s Illustrated compilation from the America’s Test Kitchen crew, a huge thick book with all the science of food. I also dropped my cup of Chai in my lap. Not sure how I managed that, but there I was with a lap full of tea, trying to decide if I should sit still and let it soak in to my clothes or uncross my legs and risk the leather stool and the area rug. I opted to sit still and was grateful for my synthetic thermals and nylon pants.
The chance of rain was 90% so we set up the tipi and put away all the laundry. Emily hasn’t been super good about sticking close to camp. I had to fetch her out of the creek at the other end of the park.
In bed about 11pm.
We’ve made it. It’s been a month. It’s been good.
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