Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 55

We got packed again, snacked at the hotel breakfast, and played with the dogs in the yard.  Then to Uncle Randy and Aunt Barb’s about 8:45am!  Ryan and Jenny were there was well and it was so good to see them.  They had all taken off work, at least for the morning, so they could spend time with us.  I really enjoyed hearing what everyone was up to and in to.  Ryan says the little black mite-like bugs that attacked us at Moose Creek were likely Springtails and explained how the packets nailed to all the pine trees deterred the beetles by using confusing pheromones.  That’s how it is when your cousin marries an entomologist!  :)

We left before noon and stopped at the co-op for lunch and to find a gift for Aunt Barb.  Mom bought fried nann pizzas, but the microwave wasn’t working.  So they staff at the deli offered to bake them for us!  Super tasty!

We got into Springfield, MO around 6pm and tracked down Katie and Dan who were nice enough to interrupt their dinner to come out and say hi.  We transferred the tumbleweeds and I hoped Dan liked me enough (even if just for Katie’s sake) to forgive me for putting those messy things in his pretty clean car!  :)  We stopped in at Mamma Jeans for milk and fruit for home.

We got home around 8pm.  We only unloaded bit of the van.  Jeremiah started the fire in the furnace.  I spent a long time looking for Kitty and had given up when she finally came walking out of the woods.  She was happy to see all of us, especially the dogs.  The dogs were pretty wound up about being back at the house.

Emily slept on my bed for the first time in forever and Kitty curled up in the crook of my knees.  I wasn’t exactly happy about this arrangement, but too tired to object enough to make it happen otherwise.  I was hoping Emily would be out of the habit of expecting that.  She hadn’t even asked to be up on the cot or hotel bed all trip.  Goes to show how much environment has to do with animals’ training, habits, and expectations.

Well guys, it’s been fun!  I really appreciate all of you who have left comments!  That, my friends, is the official end of the adventure.  Though it is true that cleaning out that minivan will be a whole ‘nother adventure as well!  :)


  1. Good luck with that van cleaning! ;)

    1. Haha! Yep! Gave it a quick vacuum while I was in town the other day ... made me feel a lot better, but it needs a bath almost as bad as I did! ;)
